Communication protocol between CAN and CC2540 chip. [[BR]] List of commands from CC2540 to CAN transiver: 1. Subscribe to a message 2. Subscribe to a message with bitmask 3. Unsubscribe from messages 4. List of all subscriptions 5. Reset filter state 6. Passthrough message Command message structure 1. Command code (1 byte) 2. Payload size (1 byte) 3. Payload (0 - 255 bytes) Examples 0x01:0x08:0x00:0x00:0x07:0x06:0x00:0x01:0x05:0x05 1. byte - subsribe command 2. byte - payload size 8 byte = 2 CAN message IDs * 4 byte each 3. - 10. bytes 0076h & 0155h