Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of OldReleases

10/01/08 07:32:21 (16 years ago)
Boris Ioffe



  • OldReleases

    v1 v2  
    1 a
     1== Caissa Chess 0.90-beta  March xx, 2008 ==
     2  * Yes, you read it right. Beta
     6 <IMG SRC=""/>
     9== Caissa Chess 0.89-alpha  February 26, 2008 ==
     10  * Board flipper
     11  * Core animation for moves
     12  * new button menu
     13  * new letter markings 
     14  * In Human vs. Human mode caissa undoes one move, when against Comp it reverts yours and opponent moves
     15  * Half a dozen bugs fixed in Human vs. Human mode 
     16  * Memory leak associated with animations fixed
     20 <IMG SRC=""/>
     23== Caissa Chess 0.88-alpha  February 19, 2008 ==
     24  * new icon
     25  * new middle-ware layer, dropped experimental support for Xboard protocol
     26  * bug fix for crash when undoing intensively 
     27  * game status view
     30  * Human vs. Human mode
     31  * Black vs. Computer
     32  * On undo, when pawn is being promoted, ExtraPieceView will hide now
     33  * Memory leak when promoting pawn to queen fixed. 
     37<IMG SRC=""/>
     39== Caissa Chess 0.87-alpha  February 10, 2008 ==
     40  * Multiple saves/Fast saves
     41  * updated chess engine, implemented few new xboard commands 
     42  * Xboard protocol support with certified chess engines
     43  * Wider range of difficulty settings (kids and grandmasters will be ecstatic)
     44  * 1.1.3 support
     45  * bug fix #102. Thanks Nestor
     46  * bug fix #104. Thanks Grandma
     47  * bunch of memory leaks were addressed
     51 <IMG SRC=""/>
     55== Caissa 0.86-alpha  January 22, 2008 ==
     56  * Board/pieces preview in the preference window #79
     57  * Chessboard coordinate  letters added #100
     58  * bug fixes #101
     62 <IMG SRC=""/>
     63 <IMG SRC=""/>
     67== Caissa 0.85-alpha  January 15,2008 ==
     68  * 1.0.2 compatibility #74
     69  * Sound toggle #73
     70  * Hint button #75
     71  * UI calls engine Asynchronously (pieces won't stick to the board, while engine thinks)
     72  * Thinking indicator #39
     73  * Undo for castings  works   #68,#69
     74  * can undo after checkmate #63
     75  * crash bug  #67
     76  * Other bugs fixed #70, #71, #72
     78Special thanks to:
     79  * Armadillo for his incredible talent, graphics, and imagery.   
     80  * Loki for investigating original noexec issue
     81  * _BigBoss_ for testing this build on 1.0.2
     82  * HotStuff2 for being superb QA for Caissa project
     83  * and everyone who contributed, but not mentioned above
     85This is for you Grandmasters. The game play feels sleek at higher difficulty levels.
     86For those who think Caissa can really defend herself well.  I can beat her at -4 9 out of 10 times and at -3 i can make it to the draw every other time.  Month ago, I felt inadequate too  :)
     90 Exchange like crazy. She gets less wise with less pieces on the board.
     94 <IMG SRC=""/>
     97== Caissa 0.84b-alpha  January 8,2008 ==
     98  * skin and add-on support fixed for pieces
     99  * crash bug #66 addressed  (thanks HotStuff2 for catching this)
     101This one is for Armadillo and Eurisko. Your turn gents :)   
     103== Caissa 0.84-alpha  January 6,2008 ==
     104  * Save on exit mode
     105  * fixed preference discrepancy for first time users
     106  * 8 bugs were addressed(2 crash bugs, 2 desync and other 4 were nonsense of a different kind)
     107  * Minor engine tuning.
     109  There were many internal changes, that shouldn't affect your gameplay experience and will not have any visual effect for now, but it is foundation for many new things. They will fix some exotic bugs, like you can castle with rook that was  moved and put back if you save/restore between move and castling. [[br]]
     110 ''IMPORTANT: This release will wipe out your saved game and preferences, due the the refactoring of the preference system. Not much to loose, but I warned you'' :) 
     112== Caissa 0.83b-alpha  January 1,2008 ==
     113 * proper handling of draws
     114 * the app doesn't hang anymore when one side wins
     115 * if game is finished, the app  blocks chessboard view, until button "new" pressed
     117== Caissa 0.83a-alpha  December 31,2007 ==
     118 * addressed 1 memory leak and 2 crash bugs (you can safely drag chess pieces off the board. If you still can let me know :)
     120== Caissa 0.83-alpha  December 31,2007 ==
     121 * undo functionality
     122 * "pawn to queen" completely rewritten from ground up, eliminated number stability problems associated with this logic   
     123 * removed dead reference to Advanced Shape for pieces 
     124 * skin and add-on support
     125 * off-board piece view
     128== Caissa 0.82a-alpha  December 25,2007 ==
     129 * repackaged to comply with ste's requirements and the  common packaging practice
     130If you have 0.82 or earlier. Please uninstall the app via and install again. It is very important. '''Uninstall & Install as the opposite of just Update'''.[[br]]
     131'''Update''' You should uninstall source if you installed Caissa from Ste resource. That will fix loop update problem.  Thanks  _BigBoss_ for the tip.
     133== Caissa 0.82-alpha  December 24,2007 ==
     135 * implemented pawn to queen transformation. Now caissa implements every chess rule there is.
     136 * improved graphics.  Every piece is PNG-24 now.  No more white pixels.
     137 * various performance and stability fixes
     138 * improved defaults handling. Difficulty slider defaults to -4.
     139 * controls for broken/unimplemented  features are invisible for now
     140 * Paypal donate  button :)